Friday, May 29, 2009

I miss fireworks...

Soooo I guess some people are worrying about me over here since Captain Nimrod up in North Korea has been testing out his toys. Must be fun to have that much power in your pocket – I hear some guys do, but I wouldn't know.

Anyway, supposedly Cap'n Sassyrockets has been shooting off a few this week. I don't know how many or how far or how large...whatever. You probably know more than I do. Why? For 1, I don't watch TV here obviously (even though I have CNN). 2, I have friends here who would warn me about anything super serious. People here are more concerned with the recent suicide of ex-S.Korean president, Roh Moo-hyun, rather than fancy bottle rockets.

I miss bottle rockets. I remember times when I was a young lad and my father taught me how to light them from my hand. As far as I know, and as far as I'm concerned, I was in more danger then than I am now.

SO, perhaps I am the one who should be saving up the cash to fly you guys here?! Who knows. But seriously, I would assume that the Northerners have bigger fish to fry rather than poor lil' ol' Southerners. I feel I am the one who should be worried about YOU.

I love you all and miss you. I'll see you soon enough. Hakuna Matata.
Christine, I have a rock for you! ;D

Monday, May 25, 2009

NEW! "Thing I Miss" of the Week!

Ok so the past couple months I've realized that I actually do miss a few things from home. I have made a list of quite a few things that I miss, but I thought it'd be more fun to have a weekly "Thing that I miss". Here we go!

1. Taco Bell!
The infamous TB. Quesadillas, Enchiladas, Mexican Pizzas, Chicken Baja Gorditas, the list is almost endless of this fast food masterpiece corporation. This will be one of the first, if not THE first, places I will visit once I return home. "Yo Lo Quiero!"

Monday, May 18, 2009

Korean Catholic Fashion Show..?!

Say whaaa? Yeah, I went to a fashion show this past weekend. Never would I have guessed that a Catholic fashion show ever existed. Nor did I ever think that the first of which I would attend be in Korea. Pretty random, but ain't complainin'. Cory works in the admissions office at the Catholic University of Daegu (or CUD as I call it) and some of his students that he reps modeled for the fashion show with clothes designed by the students and alumni. Man, these designers are talented, gifted, and skilled – pretty creative stuff. My pix are pretty blurry and I can't upload them on flickr yet cuz I've already gone past my monthly limit of uploads – LAME, oh well.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Children's Day

Not Cinco de Mayo here. It's Children's Day in S.Korea. Not sure what that means, but Tipton and I got to celebrate it anyway with Cory's family by going up one of the mountains and cooking out and eating eating eating...and a bit of hiking. It was a lot of fun and very relaxing. The little girl's name is Hyoju, Cory's niece; English name: Alice. On Saturdays now, I teach her English for a couple hours for a bit of extra pay. Her brother's name is Sunghoon – He doesn't have an English name, but I gave him the name Clark since he loves Superman. You can catch a few pics in this batch of him in his superhero poses.

I also uploaded more pix that Cory the Clever Corean took along with some other pix we took in Busan:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Takin' A Stroll – vol.II

Downtown Daegu – Or "The [new] Dirty D" as Tip and I call it. You've seen some photos, now experience it in motion with Tipton and I just after we had recorded that last video. Again, this is on the eve of Buddha's birthday. Enjoy!