Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Address!

This is actually my school's address, but please send any mail to the following address, THANKS!:

Brandon Inman
167-4 Beomeo-dong, Jangheung B/D 5F
Suseong-gu, Daegu 706-010
South Korea

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Doot doot doot doot --- UPDATE --- doot doot doot doot

Ok, so...A lot has happened so I'll try to fit in as much as I can into this post.

I arrived 8:15p in Daegu Sunday evening. They immediately took me to a motel because the guy I was replacing did not move out until Wednesday morning. The motel was good; big screen TV, computer, fridge, water, food, menu, couch, coffee table, robes, sandals, queen bed, phone, nightstand, fan, and just about every place around here has heated floors! We need that in the States. I haven't seen any carpeted places here either. haha. Anywho, the only downside of the motel was that it was a "love motel". I won't go into details..

You must remove your shoes before going to certain areas; homes, classrooms, more upscale restaurants...

I immediately had to go to the school Monday afternoon, although I was hoping they would give me time to rest a little more. Oh well. I'm fine. Monday all I did was sit in on classrooms with different teachers to see how the classes are done. They begin almost every class with exercise and meditation. It's pretty unique and I'm trying to get used to it. After meditation, the students must recall what they learned last class with their eyes closed, and speak aloud what is "painted on their brain screen". Then we dive into the lesson and we emphasize using imagery and speaking to learn and then writing. We end the class with a storybook usually and then with "Thank you English Power Brain. 1 2 3 YEAH!" ...interesting. And that's about it.

I've met a bunch of people already, mainly co-workers/teachers. They're all really laid back and fun and we've gone out to eat a few times already. Good people. Nice and interesting. My apartment is nice looking but very dirty from the last guy I replaced. He's South African, but white with a british/austrailian-type accent. Very cool guy. Kinda stinks that he left, and everyone here misses him. But I have LOTS of cleaning in my apartment to do; floors, bathroom, kitchen, everything! So black and dirty even if you can't see it at first...it's there. Yuck. It must be a South African thing to not clean...EVER. haha. I still have to finish unpacking as well. I went grocery shopping a couple nights ago and got some bare essentials and I'll probably do a little more this weekend.

Betty, a senior teacher here is going to take me Saturday downtown to get some art supplies so that I can start painting and drawing again. Maybe decorate my apartment a little with what I create and hopefully some time this year I'd like to have a number of pieces to enter into a gallery and get some foreign exposure. It will be really great to start networking with my artwork here. I am also looking to begin learning Korean probably through Rosetta®; an online language learning program. Should be efficient at this point. Who knows, after I leave next year maybe I'll live in a Korea-Town somewhere in the states, LA probably..? I dont know. We'll see.

So uh yeah, I guess I'm doing pretty well. Not really any problems or concerns thus far, so things are going great. Thanks everybody!

Love, BJ

I'm now on Skype!

Skype Name: BanoJoe
or just search my name within the application.

Remember I am 13 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, so I can only talk mornings and nights. Specifically between 9am-1pm (your time) and 8pm-12pm, and on weekends 8pm-1pm, roughly.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I will try to set up video chatting this week. Which means if you want to chat with me online via video, you need to download Skype and have a microphone and camera for your computer. Go to Skype.com to download the application. It's FREE.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I've arrived!

Hey Everyone,
Just letting you all know I arrived in Daegu 8:15pm Sunday. I am 14 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. Right now it is 7:15am Monday here. It is 5:15pm there. Thank you guys for all your prayers and support. I am staying in a motel for the next few days until the guy I'm replacing moves out of the apartment. Everything is so different here! But a lot of things are very much the same. I can't go into great detail right now because my battery is low on my laptop, but I will include more as the week goes. Thanks again everyone.

Love, BJ

Monday, March 16, 2009

Departure Date

Flint to Chicago to Seoul to Daegu, South Korea. 6am Saturday, March 21, 2009!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thanks Everyone!

I am grateful to have seen those who came to my going-away party saturday. It was good to see old faces too. There was an amazing smorgasbord of food and silly st. patricks decorations thanks to Mum. It was more than what I expected and kind of embarrassing to be perfectly honest, but I'm thankful nonetheless. Thanks for all the encouragement and the support. I'll miss you guys. Cya next year!


P.S. If you have any photos of the party, please email some to me so that I can post them here for everyone to see who weren't there. Thanx!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

So this is it!

Hello fam and amigos!

This will be my blog all year so that you can catch up on what I'm doing in Daegu, South Korea. I'll be posting photos via flikr.com, so all you'll have to do is click on a photo I've posted and get to see a whole gallery of photos on flikr that it will link you to. I'll try to post as much as I can - maybe a couple times a month at least.

At this moment I still don't have a departure date. I'm still waiting on my Visa number. I assume it will come in the next week. Once I get my Visa Number, I check in with the Korean Consulate in Chicago, then I believe I'm ready to go - A plane ticket waits for me at the airport.

I will not have my usual phone number, nor will I have a phone number there for some time I assume. We'll see how it goes. But every now and then I will call the family by a phone card so you can hear my angelic voice.

You have the capability on this blog to also comment on my posts so I expect a lot! Just click on the link that says "(#) COMMENTS" below each post.
You may have to sign up for an account to post a comment, I'm not sure.. If you have to but don't want to, just email me.

I also have a Myspace and a Facebook if you're registered on those sites.

Here is my email as well:

Hmm..I can't think of much else to say at the moment but I will update this post as I think of something..

I love you all. Take care and I miss you. God bless!

Brandon J. Inman