Thursday, March 5, 2009

So this is it!

Hello fam and amigos!

This will be my blog all year so that you can catch up on what I'm doing in Daegu, South Korea. I'll be posting photos via, so all you'll have to do is click on a photo I've posted and get to see a whole gallery of photos on flikr that it will link you to. I'll try to post as much as I can - maybe a couple times a month at least.

At this moment I still don't have a departure date. I'm still waiting on my Visa number. I assume it will come in the next week. Once I get my Visa Number, I check in with the Korean Consulate in Chicago, then I believe I'm ready to go - A plane ticket waits for me at the airport.

I will not have my usual phone number, nor will I have a phone number there for some time I assume. We'll see how it goes. But every now and then I will call the family by a phone card so you can hear my angelic voice.

You have the capability on this blog to also comment on my posts so I expect a lot! Just click on the link that says "(#) COMMENTS" below each post.
You may have to sign up for an account to post a comment, I'm not sure.. If you have to but don't want to, just email me.

I also have a Myspace and a Facebook if you're registered on those sites.

Here is my email as well:

Hmm..I can't think of much else to say at the moment but I will update this post as I think of something..

I love you all. Take care and I miss you. God bless!

Brandon J. Inman


  1. Whoa kiddo... that is cool you are off to Korea!!! I'm jealous, I've been teaching myself Korean since Aug. Awesome culture! Good luck teaching and I will def be checkin your blog :)


  2. Good luck on your adventure cuz. What an awesome opportunity. It is cool that you are so computer savy that you can keep up with everyone from so far away. Take care of yourself.
