Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Taxi-Derby & Tetraphobia

{No, this is actually a NYC cab. Korean cabs are silver or black, but I wanted to find a cool photo to mess with.}

I am convinced that Korean taxi drivers have a partnership with NASCAR or a local demolition derby... Next taxi I come across I will tag it with a large #4 on both sides.

And now it's time for "DID YOU KNOW?" with Brandon!:
"Hi kids! Did you know that the number 4 is considered an unlucky number here in Korea because it resembles the Chinese character that means "Death". Most hotels and other buildings change the #4 on their elevators to the letter "F" instead or just skip to the number "5". This is very similar to how some countries treat the number "13". I work on the "5th" floor of my building, however, we all know now what floor it REALLY is. Fear of the number 4 is called "Tetraphobia"."

And so brings us to my next point; BUCKLE UP... or just ride the subway.

That is all.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


{I and a really cool Canadian, Adam}

What a pleasant weekend. A nice lil' weddin', and pretty much just chillin' and visiting my first Daegu English-speaking church, DongShin. It was a pretty good service. And how much more meaningful that my first church service here in Korea was an Easter service.

I'm getting a little more used to my job; the kids – as crazy and nuts as they are. I'm much more comfortable with the middle school kids although I still have a few that are difficult at times. But hey, they're kids – they can't help it much.

Also, anyhoo, I posted a couple new blog entries on my blog page of my website: – Check it oot!

AND more random photos with new found friends on the flickr.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Soonyeong's Wedding

I got to experience my first Korean wedding, however, it was pretty similar to Western style weddings, so it wasn't a traditional Korean wedding I guess. It was my friend Cory's sister's wedding. His real name is Soonseong, her's is Soonyeong.
Click here to see all the photos.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I took some more photos of around my apt. and around the city a bit, downtown, etc.. Click here to link to

{"Cory the Clever Corean & me}

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Downtown..where the people go..

I haven't activated a account yet. But I did just purchase a new digital camera so that I can post some pix and video. So...MORE TO COME! I think you'll recognize one of those stores.. There are still a few I'd like to show you later. PEACE!

{by the way, if you don't know, u can click on the pic to see it larger}