Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Go Map Sam Ni Da = Thank you.

Haven't written in a while so let me think of what I've been up to here..

My buddy Kyle from Indiana left a couple weeks ago to go back home and immediately got engaged once he got off the plane. Nice play, my friend.

I will now be involved with Shinsangwon orphanage every first and third saturday of each month as a part of our church ministry as well as I'll be playing a big part in organizing events there for our church to get involved in. I'm pretty excited about it and love playing with the kids and even teaching them a bit of english. We have a Christmas party on Dec. 12th too.

Every wednesday I've been going to our men's discussion group at a local bar restaurant where each week a different guy will propose a new topic. Tonight's my turn. I chose to talk about Christians who screw up and it's plastered throughout the media and how we deal with that as the body of God's house. I think it'll be a real good topic. So it's not necessarily a bible study, at least I don't see it as that because we already make the time in church and at our homes to study the bible, but not that we don't study what the Word says about the issues we talk about. It obviously will play a big part.

Been pretty sidetracked hardcore on my paintings. I've barely touched them in 2 months! Grrrr.. No one's fault but mine. However lately, I have been trying to make the time to do so. If I keep at it, I know they'll turn out fine, but I also just need to get them done!

Work is going fine, I guess. I'm not much of a teacher still since I've never had training, but I'm trying my best and learning how to increase my effectiveness. Most of the ladies we work with are pretty cool, so it makes it fun.

I also go to a survival Korean class on Saturday mornings at my church which is pretty fun. They go too slow however. Luckily, there are Korean volunteers that help us out and I get to ask extra questions. They say I'm doing really good.

This sunday is our Thanksgiving Feast at church in which we invite people from the community to join.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Later.

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