Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2010 update..

Annyeong se yo!!

It's been a while.. So it's 2010. A fun year thus far. I like this year of the tiger. New years was nothing too special really. Just went out with friends and met a couple other newbies.

Still playing bass at church and helped out with designing a new bulletin. Loox great if you ask me! By the way, I guess I should've posted a link a long time ago to my church's website. Here ya go:
If you scroll to almost the bottom of the page, you'll see a group photo where it also reads "Dongshin Gallery". Click on it and you'll see some pics of me and Nate having some good times at different events we were involved in. It's been fun being involved in the church, meeting new people, playing music, discovering God in new light, and just goofin off.

Been job searchin lately. It's going ok. Problem is, at the moment, that most schools begin March 1st whereas I don't finish my current contract 'til March 22. There's a heap of options out here as to where I could work, so I'm thankful. I've been offered a couple neat positions for August; one is an RA in Daejeon, bout 2hrs west of here, but I'd rather stay in Daegu. Another is an Art Teacher position at a private international high school. Sounds good! So, we'll see.

...Soo...uh...was hit by a car the other day. haha. Don't have time to tell you now about it, but I'll update this post later. Love you guys!

Brandon / BJ / BañoJoe

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