Wednesday, March 10, 2010

a few odds and ends..

Here's a few random videos and photos from the past couple months.

First up, I went with the orphans to Herb Hills, which is a small amusement park here (it ain't no Cedar Point, but matter..) Here's a vid of most of us on the viking ship. Billy and Helen seemed to love it, but Anthony, as you can see, wasn't too thrilled –hahaha:

Next up, my sledding tragedy:

Last weekend, I was invited by one of my students to go see the Yaenoeul Jazz Singers. Not bad:

Finally, here's a funny pic I took of a cover of a students notebook. Check out these hilarious English mistakes based on NBA team names (click on it to see it larger):

I have a few more photos to share, so I'll try to post them soon on flickr.

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