Sunday, June 20, 2010


Not too much has been going on but I'll try to squeeze something out here..

Umm...World Cup soccer games started up this month in South Africa so the Koreans are going CRAZY over it. Korea won their first game but lost terribly in the second, and they have a 3rd on the 23rd I think.. So a couple Saturdays ago I went to Duryu park here in Daegu to watch the game on a few large screens. There were a ton of Koreans all in red and glowing devil horns. I always knew they were a little evil.. On the phone, Cory says "Hey! I'm the guy wearing a red shirt! Can u see me?!" I replied, "Oh yeah, there you are...and there you are, and there you are, and there you are... As if you weren't hard enough to find before!" Anyway, it was a ton of fun. Check out the pix:

School's going well. My kids are much better than before. There's a few I'd like to adopt! hahaha.

In my free time I usually study Korean which I've done a LOT lately, more than usual.

I'm also working on a few paintings as well as entering myself into an illustration contest here through a chain of coffee shops, called DaVinci Coffee. Winner gets 3million won ('bout $2,500).

Thanks to my church friend, Karin, I also signed up to participate in a world-wide sketchbook tour through 'ArtHouse Co-Op'. They send me a small sketchbook that I fill up based on a theme I chose from a list they provided. The theme I chose is "It'll be fun, I swear." A million ideas ran through my head already. Anyway, once filled up I send it back to them by January for them to digitize it for their website so that it can be viewed by online visitors. In March, among thousands of other sketchbooks from around the world, my sketchbook will tour around several major cities for people to check out from a library to view and read. I have complete freedom to include anything I want in the sketchbook; name, contact info, and even a price of however much I want to sell my sketchbook for. Sketchbooks in the past have been priced at a million dollars, but I don't think I'll be that steep. haha. Anyway, I will also be notified by email or text message whenever my sketchbook is checked out on the spot. After the tour, the sketchbooks are cataloged in the Brooklyn Art Library for life.

Sounds pretty darn rad to me.

Anyway, I gotta go get some shopping done. Love u guys. cya!

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