Monday, September 27, 2010

My First Bungee Jump

Cory, his gf JiYun, our attractive friend Jung-ah, and I went up to Andong last Saturday to go bungee jumping and see the annual Mask Festival. I was sooo excited to finally go bungee jumping! When I got up to the top of the crane I was a little nervous but thinking "Man, I can so do this!" When I stepped to the edge, my heart sank looking down. haha. In the vid, you can hear some guys at the top saying to me "54321 JUMP!" but I didn't jump the first time assuming they were going to nudge me off. So I made them count one more time and BOOYA. It was awesome. JiYun is the one filming. She was laughing at me cuz I was "yahoo"-ing and also said "Ji-Gi-Neh-Aeh!" in the air which roughly translates to "that kills!" (in a good way) or like "That's Awesome!".

Who wants to go with me next time?!?!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Old "BR" student/teacher letters to Me and Nate

Click the image to see it larger:

Now here are the original letters.
First, my former higher level elementary student, Nancy. She's a very smart student but got distracted a lot by other students although she could also keep others in line if she wanted to. She was a pain at first but got better as she warmed up to me:

Maria, super smart and a sweetheart although has good ability to provoke mischief. But she did it in a very fun way. Great kid. The korean she wrote at the bottom of the page means something like "Come back again!":

Anna, cute little sweetheart. I felt terrible one day when she got hurt playing our introductory Butt Soccer game. She cried. Sorry, Anna. Next time, punch Peter in the face. I won't tell anyone:

Kevin, or as I liked to call him "Kevin 7" to distinguish him from another Kevin in the class. Good kid. Fun. Smart. Unpredictable. He had a unique personality. Very creative actually:

The infamous Peter. Kind of a dopey kid. Annoyed the crap out of everyone. "Peter, where's your pencil today?!" ..everyday. seriously.. 진짜! Notice how he signed his name as "secret":

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

오랜만이야! (o lan man iya ~ "long time no see")

Sup. Long time. My bad. Just wanted to share the designs I've made for the church this year. First is the Sunday bulletin for church. It's a tri-fold and I have to update it each week.

Second is the new Kurios 2010 Conference flyer that's happening in October. I didn't want people at church to notice it, but I'm the guy throwing his hands up in the logo at the top of the page. haha.