Friday, August 26, 2011

NK Pirate Attack

[Photo taken by local Haeundae beach-goer] A North Korean pirate ship sails along the Haeundae beach shoreline blasting cannons toward civilians hiding under parasols.

It seemed to be a nice day at Haeundae beach today but suddenly, seemingly outta nowhere, a North Korean pirate attack erupted as they blasted cannons loaded with what little rice they had and a note attached requesting the South Korean government help them get HBO. The wad of rice with note attached was found inside a beach-goer's, Lee Min Ji's, face as it had caved it in. Luckily she survived to give comment:
"The rice wasn't that bad. It had a good flavor," she said through a muffled and deformed, rice-filled face. When asked about what she thought about the note she just replied, "What's HBO? HanBok Outfits?" Referring to the traditional Korean clothing often worn for wedding ceremonies and other various events.

It had seemed that everyone took cover from the cannon fire under the hundreds of parasols provided by Haeundae. "Oh, they weren't hiding from the cannons. Koreans just hate the sun." Lee corrected.

The ship slowly sailed away giving enough time for the South Koreans to do nothing at all. "We just hope it doesn't happen again. We have enough rice, and I don't even get HBO either. I couldn't afford the American program plan with my cable ni da." Haeundae Securtiy Chief Kim Bum Suk said after the attack.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Back to a busy Calm

I hath returned the Land of the Morning Calm and it hasn't quite been calm per say.. I've been mostly busy with cleaning and fixing up our apartment or with wedding plans or figuring out visa info etc... I am currently waiting to go to Japan to get my E-2 work visa in a couple weeks. When I visit the states I can acquire my F-2 visa which gives me much more freedom in Korea to work wherever and choose even how many jobs I'd like to work at legally.

My job is going well. The kids are good mostly, my boss and the teachers are great.. I have a small room with empty walls so I ought to jazz the room up a bit with helpful things for the kids soon.

Suyoung and I went to Haeundae beach in Busan last that I could propose. The water was FREEZING but we enjoyed our time together alone anyway on the crowded beach. We then showered off, ate some ramen and chicken, and took a stroll on the boardwalk along the rocks lining the ocean. She kept saying everything was beautiful, so I chose a spot with a nice background, asked a stranger to take a minute video of us, and I dropped my knee. She was very shy to have others watching and super surprised. She had no idea why I suggested to go there. I win.

There doesn't seem to be much else to share other than to post some photos and video maybe..

Love you guys, Brandon.

Wubang Tower of the Wubang amusement park standing tall in it's "amusing" glory..seen from Duryu park on the night a few jazz bands were playing in the amphitheater.

Seoul. Pix of Kyungbok Palace and King SeJong who created Hangeul; Korea's written language.

There were hundreds of these tiles laying out korean history. This section is around the time of the Korean War (1950-53).

A manhole in Seoul near the CheongGyeCheong canal.

This is the PROPOSAL at Haeundae (heh-oon-deh) beach in Busan.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dongshin Church English Service Worship Video

Here's a link to a blog page for the English service here at my church, Dongshin. Don't ask me what "Dongshin" means.. Once on the page, the first 3 videos are of our Pastor, Andy Gilman, who doesn't normally lead worship, but rotates about once a month or so with SJ (SungJin) who is the main leader. Scroll to the 4th video, which is of SJ. You'll be able to see me in the background playing bass. Nate is playing the drums although you can't see him. Enjoy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The most boring update ever..

So, it IS official. I'll be coming home to Michigan on April Fool's Day, in the afternoon. I need a ride from Detroit though, unfortunately. Whatev..

Nothing new to really tell u guys. I like living here in Korea although some things get on my nerves easily at times. But eh..nothing special to inform you of, so I'll just tell u the boring stuff.

Our schedule changed at work for 2011 so I have 6 or 7 classes a day with 5-minute breaks between. But the good thing is that I get to go home an hour earlier :D

Remember that sketchbook project I told u about? I signed up for a sketchbook tour in which I was sent a small sketchbook to fill up since last June. I actually haven't done much with it. It's a sucky sketchbook, but I already paid the fees and whatnot. grr...anyway, I have to send it out this week so I'm doing a lot of last minute sketches from photos I've taken on my travels in Asia. The theme of the book is "It'll be fun, I swear!" I'll soon post some sketches I've done after I send it out.

Umm...that's pretty much it. Nothing special. Just the usual life. Go to work, come home, watch an episode of "Modern Family" or "Big Bang" maybe, sketch, study Korean, clean (although my gf does most of it now even though I tell her not to, hahaha – she's awesome in so many ways), go to Korean class on saturday, go to the orphanage, hang with friends, update the church bulletin, go to church, play bass guitar for the worship team...and that's it. Not a bad life. God has blessed me to be here and to have experienced all this the past 2 years.

